White Easy Count 25 Easy Count Lugana Zweigart branded Cotton Evenweave. Code 3508/1219. Zweigart easy count aida has a blue or red grid with perfectly parallel lines, each grid square counts out 10 points. The grid will wash easily away when you are done with your embroidery.
White Easy Count 28 Easy Count Brittney Zweigart branded Cotton Evenweave. Code 3514/1219. Zweigart easy count aida has a blue or red grid with perfectly parallel lines, each grid square counts out 10 points. The grid will wash easily away when you are done with your embroidery and the fabric will turn a bright white.
White Easy Count 32 Easy Count Murano Zweigart branded Cotton Evenweave. Code 3516/1219. Zweigart easy count aida has a blue or red grid with perfectly parallel lines, each grid square counts out 10 points. The grid will wash easily away when you are done with your embroidery and the fabric will turn a bright white.